We too use cookies
Some of these are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of our website. Others are needed to save your settings, such as log-in data. Cookies also enable us to obtain anonymous statistical data on the use of the website. Marketing cookies are used to ensure that website visitors only see relevant content while they continue to use the Internet.

Cookie Providers Description Catgeory Validity
PHPSESSID Dascom Cookies generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general-purpose identifier used to manage user session variables. It is usually a randomly generated number and its use may be specific to the site. However, a good example is maintaining a user's login status between pages. required end of session
viewed_cookie_policy Dascom  Stores the user's consent status for cookies on the current domain.  required  1 Year 
viewed_cookie_all Dascom  Stores the user's consent status for cookies on the current domain.  required  1 Year 
_pk_ses.1.34ea  Matomo  Used by the Matomo platform to track visitor page views during the session. Marketing  30 min. 
_pk_id.1.34ea Matomo  Used by the Matomo platform to track visitor page views during the session.  Marketing  1 Year